Farmer Focus: Senior Vivian Price

‘I used to be very closed, I didn’t really like talking to people. But when I became a choir student, I actually opened up more.’


Kenzi Gray

“I guess you could say singing is a way for me to express my emotions, this helps me talk more.”

This week’s Farmer Focus is on senior Vivian Price who was inspired in the second grade to sing her heart out.


Favorite movie: “Twilight”

Favorite sport: Volleyball

Favorite color: Black

Apple or Android: Android

Movies or shows: Movies


Q: How long have you been in choir and what inspired you to join?

A: “I’ve been in choir since the second grade. I’ve been singing since my uncle inspired me. He was a country singer [and] he did lots of singing. I personally enjoy singing; it’s a way to cope with my anxiety.”

Q: Do you plan on doing something related to choir after high school as a career?

A: “I plan on going to cosmetology because I was raised around a beautician. I want to [do choir] but I don’t see that happening in my future. I am actually going to a [beauty school], so I don’t think they have any choir courses.”

Q: What are some memories you have made while being in choir?

A: “I would have to say the choir banquet. It’s where you dance, have fun and get to know more people you haven’t really talked to in the choir department. I’d say the [biggest memory] is meeting my best friends.”

Q: Would you recommend being in choir? Why or why not?

A: “If you like singing then yes, if not, then no. But at the same time, you can make cherishable memories, family and friends. If you don’t know anything [about choir], they’ll teach you.”

Q: What are some challenges you’ve had to overcome?

A: “I would have to say my biggest problem was the rhythms. I tend to speed up when [it] tends to slow down. There’s something called augmentation where it slows down randomly [and] I tend to speed up through that.”

Q: How did choir change you as a person?

A: “I used to be very closed; I didn’t really like talking to people. But when I became a choir student, I actually opened up more. I guess you could say singing is a way for me to express my emotions, this helps me talk more.”

Q: How does choir help you gain confidence around your peers?

A: “We have this thing we call ‘Story Time’ and by opening up to your peers or sharing your stories with your peers, you get to trust them more and get feedback from that. So, it helps you open up without being nervous as well.”

Q: Did choir ever make you feel nervous? Why or why not?

A: “Yes. When I first started choir, I was a new student at a school and I was new to the department of singing. [Joining choir] was my best decision.”