Column: Coming short of a normal life

‘You gotta hand it to all of us who are short, I mean it’s not like we’re ever gonna to be able to reach.’


Jayden Warren

“It’s sometimes funny tricking people saying I‘m the youngest, but it’s embarrassing when even your aunts and uncles believe you’re 11 years old.”

Being short comes with tall disadvantages, ranging from people losing you in crowds to bumping into strangers who seem to be the size of lamp posts. These occurrences are only to be accompanied by the unnecessary ‘Wow you’re short’ comments from family and friends. Sit back, relax and hear the totally relatable shortcomings of a short girl.

Telling a short person you’re going to use them as an armrest is not only cliché, but is the easiest way to make them angry. This usually isn’t the type of joke they will normally put over their heads; this goes along with using the overused phrase, ‘How’s the weather down there?’ The weather is fine down here, so there’s no need to ask.

Not being taken seriously is one of the most frustrating things that happens on an everyday basis. It comes short to being funny when it’s something important to us. Most people excuse it as ‘Awe, I can’t take you seriously, you look so cute’ simply because we’re short. It feels like a parent dismissing a child’s words.

Mundane activities also result in struggles. Using the sun visor when you’re driving is a privilege, but when you’re only the size of a sixth grader, it’s difficult to have something protect your eyes. The pedals of cars always seem to be against short people as they are too far forward, resulting in either using a pillow or pulling the car seat all the way forward to be able to reach.

Another struggle every short person can relate to is big washing machines. Washing machines were seemingly designed for tall people. To be able to get laundry done is almost impossible without hanging like a monkey in an effort to be able to reach anything from the endless void at the bottom.

Speaking of laundry, clothes are every person’s necessity but prove to be an ongoing challenge for short people. The trend nowadays is to wear oversized clothes, but I’ll tell you who made that trend: short people. It’s all right if one or two pairs of pants don’t fit, however, when pants get folded at the bottom and most of your clothes come from the kids section, you have no choice but to admit you’re definitely short.

I have siblings two and four years younger than me, and I can honestly say I’ve been confused as the youngest because of my height. It’s sometimes funny tricking people saying I‘m the youngest, but it’s embarrassing when even your aunts and uncles believe you’re 11 years old.

The only person who hasn’t come to terms with my height will forever be my mom. She always told me I had until 13 to keep growing but as time went on she kept increasing the number. Thirteen became 15 and now 15 is 18. I sometimes can’t help but wonder when she’ll stop increasing the age.

Shortness has an endless list of troubles especially when doing normal everyday tasks. You gotta hand it to all of us who are short, I mean it’s not like we’re ever gonna to be able to reach.