Words of honor

In honor of Veterans Day, faculty members share their thoughts on being veterans and remember when they first served our country

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What does being a veteran mean to you?

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A veteran to me is someone who has served in the country in some way, shape and form in the U.S. military. A veteran to me is someone who has served honorably and has an honorable discharge.

— Steven Roper, Army

Why should we celebrate Veterans Day?

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To show that respect and honor for those who served the country because there’s only one percent of the country that serves with courage and bravery. In my opinion it’s very, very honorable and brave.

— Everette Edwards, Army

Why did you choose to serve for this country and how did you feel before you left to serve for the first time?

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I don’t think I chose to serve. I think the army chose me. I felt a huge mix of emotions. I was excited, nervous [and] I was proud of what I was going to do. I didn’t know what I was getting into, but I knew what to expect.

— Bob Stuart, Navy

When you came back from serving how did you feel?

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I didn’t feel any different. I felt like my contract was up. I wished I would’ve stayed but I signed up for six years and I was like ‘Okay I got to try something else.’ I don’t need attention for it. I don’t want praise for it. I didn’t feel any different. It’s just something you do and then you go do something else.

— Steve Badyna, Marines